Webservice API
Webservice Api Basics
By accessing our web service, you automatically declare that you understand and accept our web service use conditions.
Access is logged and evaluated. To save access/bandwidth and
server capacity, we recommend minimising queries to the web service via data caching
(if possible). We reserve the right to limit access or even to block it if access to the web service
exceeds a plausible level.
Access data may not be provided to third parties or displayed publicly. Certain previously
agreed data is approved for use as your access details.
Data format:
The web service is returned in the JSON format. We have decided against XML because JSON is currently equally as popular and reduces overhead compared with XML. More Information
Character encoding
data from the web services is released UFT8
The web service data is accessed via a fixed HTTP URL
Access data is required to access the web service, which is comprised as follows:
- User ID (%uid%)
- Passwort (%password%)
- Sicherheitscode (%security_key%)
The following HTTP request variables are required to receive a response from the web service.
- API-Version (%version%)
- Sprache (%language%)
If the web service is changed, then a new API version will be provided so that your own application does not always also need to be updated. ATTENTION: We can only provide support for the latest API version.
- actual APIVersion: 100
The language must be provided as per ISO 639-1
Error Codes
Overview of all errors:
Error Code | Description |
100 | unknown error |
101 | 404 – page not found |
102 | User ID not available or not valid |
103 | safety code not available or not valid |
104 | password not available or not valid |
105 | API-Version not available or not valid |
106 | authentication failed |
107 | language not available or not valid |
108 | template not found (please inform service) |
109 | template error (please inform service) |
200 | product not found |
Webservice API functions
My products
Sie You will receive all products activated for your access details in the form of a product list.
By accessing:
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/my_products? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned.
Product groups
Accesses the complete product groups as a list::
When accessing
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/waregroups? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
you receive the following JSON output:
{ "waregroups": [ { "waregroup_id": 1, "parent_waregroup_id": 173, "waregroup": "Printmedien" }, { "waregroup_id": 3, "parent_waregroup_id": 162, "waregroup": "Etiketten" }, ... ] }
Accesses all products contained in a specific product group. These are output as a Productlist. The product groups ID is required for this. This is can be obtained for example, by accessing the produktgroups or it is stored with one of the products
- Warengruppen ID (%waregroup_id%)
When accessing
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/waregroup/%warengroup_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned
Die The product list includes all information about the products and is returned when certain web services are accessed.
- waregroup_products
- bundle_content
- product_alternates
- product_is_alternate_of
- product_accessories
- product_application_in
- provider_products
{ "page": { "count_products": 694, "products_per_page": 50, "page": 1, "available_pages": 14 }, "products": [ ... ] }
In order to keep traffic and loading times low, the product list is always divided into multiple pages. The individual pages may be accessed via an additional HTTP request variable:
The product list includes information about the number of pages, the number of products, the number of products per page, and the currently selected sub-page. The products in the product list are displayed analogously to how individual products are accessed.
Accesses an individual product from the web service. The product ID is required for this.
- Produkt ID (%products_id%)
Example für den Artikel 92298A von HP
By accessing:
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product/145080? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
you receive the following JSON output:
{ "product": { "products_id": 145080, "creation_date": null, "edit_date": null, "short_description": "Original Hewlett Packard Toner-Kartusche schwarz (92298A, 98A)", "manufacturer": "Hewlett Packard (HP)", "name": "", "oems": [ "92298A", "98A" ], "eans": [ "088698005668" ], "reference_oems": [ "1538A003", "M2473G/A", "LN0XX-AA" ], "bundle_content_oems": [ ], "waregroups": [ { "waregroup_id": 57, "waregroup": "Toner-Kartuschen", "main_waregroup": true, "waregroup_tree": [ { "waregroup_id": 157, "waregroup": "Bürobedarf" }, { "waregroup_id": 173, "waregroup": "Druckerzubehör" }, { "waregroup_id": 199, "waregroup": "Laserdrucker" }, { "waregroup_id": 56, "waregroup": "Toner" }, { "waregroup_id": 57, "waregroup": "Toner-Kartuschen" } ] } ], "specifications": [ { "specification_id": 6, "specification": "Seitendeckung", "attribute_id": 4521, "attribute": "bei 5% Seitendeckung", "attribute_synonym": "", "count": 1 }, ... ], "images": [ { "type_id": 5, "type_id_string": "005", "type_key": "image_type_pack_and_product", "thumb": { "url": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/t/145080.jpg", "url_own_filename": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/t/145080/" }, "normal": { "url": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/n/145080.jpg", "url_own_filename": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/n/145080/" } }, { "type_id": 10, "type_id_string": "010", "type_key": "image_type_pack", "thumb": { "url": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/t/145080.jpg", "url_own_filename": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/t/145080/" }, "normal": { "url": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/n/145080.jpg", "url_own_filename": "http://image.cloud.topdata.de/n/145080/" } }, ... ], "bundle_content": [ ], "product_alternates": { "ws_list_url": "/product_alternates/145080", "products": [ [ 145070, ... ] ] }, "product_is_alternate_of": { "ws_list_url": "/product_is_alternate_of/145080", "products": [ [ 145070, ... ] ] }, "product_accessories": [ ], "product_application_in": [ ], "distributors": [ ] } }
By the Productlist the products will be transfered in the same way
Variable | Description |
reference_oems | If the product is an alternative, then the OEMs for the corresponding products appear here |
bundle_content_oems | If the product is a bundle, then the OEMs for the individual products appear here |
bundle_content | Falls If the product is a bundle, then the product IDs for the individual products appear here |
product_alternates | Alternative product IDs for the product |
product_is_alternate_of | The product is an alternative of the product IDs indicated |
product_accessories | Zubehör Accessory product IDs for the product |
product_same_accessories | All product IDs with the same accessories for the product |
product_application_in | Product is an accessory of the named product IDs |
product_same_application_in | All product IDs with the same parent product which are an accessory for the product |
distributors | available providers and their article numbers |
Variable | Description |
images | You will only receive images if these are activated for your access details |
distributors | You will only receive suppliers that are activated for your access details |
Accesses the products contained for a certain bundle product. These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this.
- Produkt ID (%product_id%)
By accessing:
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/bundle_content/%product_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned.
Accesses the alternative product for a certain product. These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this.
- Produkt ID (%product_id%)
By accessing:
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product_alternates/%product_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned.
For a certain alternative product, accesses those products for which it is an alternative.These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this.
- Produkt ID (%product_id%)
Bay accessing:
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product_is_alternate_of/%product_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned.
Accesses those products which are an accessory. These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this.
- Produkt ID (%product_id%)
By accessing
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product_accessories/%product_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned.
Accesses those products for a certain product, which are having the same accessories. These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this
- Produkt ID (%product_id%)
By accessing
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product_same_accessories/%product_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned.
Accesses those products for which it is an accessory. These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this.
- Produkt ID (%product_id%)
By accessing:
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product_application_in/%product_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned.
Accesses those products which are also an accessory. These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this.
- Produkt ID (%product_id%)
By accessing
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product_same_application_in/%product_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
he product list is returned.
Provider products
Accesses the products for a certain provider. These are output as a Productlist . The product ID of the bundle is required for this.
- Anbieter ID (%distributor_id%)
By accessing
http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/distributor/%distributor_id%? uid=%uid%& security_key=%security_key%& password=%password%& version=%version%& language=%language%
the product list is returned
Code Examples
For instance the calling of a product:
<?php //receive data $data = file_get_contents('http://ws.cloud.topdata.de/product/145080?uid=...&security_key=...&password=..&version=100&language=de'); //decode json data $json = json_decode($data); //display json object var_dump($json); ?>